Screening Policy

All bags and persons are subject to a visual and metal detector screening. Screenings are a condition of entry and any refusal to be inspected may result in a refusal to admit.

Shell Energy Stadium encourages guests and supporters to not bring bags to the stadium. If a guest chooses to bring a bag to the stadium, it must be 4.5 x 6.5 or smaller. Bags will not be permitted in the stadium, except for medical bags and diaper bags, to encourage distancing and quicker screening at the security gates.

Below are the items you can and cannot bring into the stadium.

Prohibited Items

Aerosol Cans: air horns, sunscreen, bug spray, silly string, hairspray, etc.

Animals, except for service animals

Bags larger than 4.5in by 6.5in are prohibited. Exceptions will be made for Childcare and/or medical supplies

Banners, signs and/or flags larger than 4ft tall by 8 ft wide

Beach balls, inflated balloons and/or frisbees

Bikes, inline and roller skates, skateboard, scooters, shoes with wheels

Cameras, for Dynamo, Dash and TSU football, with lenses longer than 8 inches. All other events up to stadium management

Chains, studded bracelets, etc.

Chewing Tobacco, Smoking in restrooms, seating areas, concourses, suites, club, etc.

Clothing or items with offensive language or items deemed inappropriate



Flammable Liquids

Flares, incendiary devices, smoke bombs, sparklers, and fireworks

Illegal drugs and other illegal substances

Inflatable objects

Leaser pointers and laser pens

Noisemakers: air horns, boom boxes, cowbells, drums, horns, megaphones, vuvuzelas, whistles, or any other item deemed as a noisemaker by the stadium

Metal or glass containers of any kind

Missile/Projectile like objects

Outside food and beverages. Souvenir cups/popcorn buckets are valid for one-time use

Pamphlets, handouts, advertisements, flyers etc. unapproved by stadium management

Poles and/or Rods

Portable heaters

Seat cushions


Tripods, monopods, and selfie sticks

Umbrellas – they can be checked at the gate

Video and Audio recording devices

Weapons of any kind

Any other item deemed to be inappropriate or dangerous by the stadium

Permitted Items

Deflated Balloons

Bags 4.5in by 6.5in or smaller will be permitted. Bag can be clear or not clear material. Exceptions for larger bags will be made for Childcare and Medical supplies.

Banners, signs, and/or flags no larger than 4ft tall by 8ft tall. Cannot obstruct any stadium signage, do not contain commercial messages or offensive material, do not obstruct view for other guests and are relevant to the event

Binoculars and binocular cases

Cameras, with lens no longer than 8 inches, only for Dynamo, Dash and TSU games. All other events up to stadium management. Camera bag will not be allowed into the stadium

Childcare supplies approved by Stadium Management

Electrical items powered by battery such as small radios, small tv monitors, cell phones. Guests may be required to turn on the item to verify it is what it appears to be

One empty, clear, plastic bottle 32 ounces or less

Medical supplies approved by Stadium Management

Soccer Balls

All other items will be at the discretion of Stadium Management